
The Writer of that Article.

Yeah, whatever happened to "He said WHAT? Oh . . . That's just DUMB!"?

That's true. He should have saved that stuff for some Cool Podcast.

Well, it's not exactly "Blow Up".

That might be it. Talking about how the Mainstream Media is out of touch with People can't be THAT big a deal. The AV Club sees itself as Mainstream Media? It makes a Big Deal over Award Shows so, yeah, I guess so.

Mancow should do a Show with Maddow.

I dunno, Mancow is the one who Wrote an entire Book about having a great Spiritual and Philosophical Experience while going to Amsterdam to smoke dope and fuck prostitutes.

John Boy and Billy are awesome.

Why? Because Orson Welles has a reputation as a nice decent guy?

I don't quite get why the AV Club is so angry about this.

The Co Workers thing happened on that Sit Com, not in my Life, Fuckhead.

Oh, My Goodness! A Major Comedy Star of my TV Childhood.

No, a very fancy one that he bought.

It really helped. I was very grateful.

He's really funny but kinda creepy.

I can't tell em apart. Which one was in "Super Eight"?

Yeah, those early Albums they did for IRS are Terrific. But they kinda Hit The Wall. I really Loved R.E.M. for a while there, kinda forgot about em, and got back into em lately. Kinda dumped em for The Replacements, now R.E.M. makes The Replacements look really dumb.

That was pretty much the end of R.E.M. for me - "Let's make an album full of loud noisy shit we can play in Arenas full of Squares!".

That's the Most Attractive Unattractive Girl I have ever seen.

The only thing that matters about Germany is that you Work really Hard and always do a Good Job. That's why we didn't let the Russians butt fuck every one of you to Death in 1945. Otherwise - Scram.