
His name is on the Credits of a bunch of Australian Movies. I guess he s a Big Shot but I refuse to do any research. Fuck him and his Wikipedia! FUCK HIM!

I'm still bummed out that the Brian May who did al those Soundtracks for Australian Movies was not the Brian May in Queen. Fuck.

I just woke from a Dream about Alex Chilton leading a Revolution in a South American Country. He rode a Horse and wore a Beard.

This Guy I know gave his three year Daughter a Puppy for Christmas. His Wise Ass Teenage Son suggested naming the Dog "Aleppo" and the Little Girl immediately agreed. Now that is some Real Life Sit Com Shit.

That was two paragraphs of whining.

They don't work.

That's a nice Comic Book Butt in that Bikini.

We'll have a Meeting once everything settles down after the Holidays.

This German kid suddenly showed up in our High School, he thought UFO was The Greatest. One Time we were at his House and we almost set fire to the place. UFO was uninvolved.

"normalize" again. They can't talk without saying "normalize". They've lost it.

Charlie Brown grew up into Louis CK. Or Bob Mould. I can't decide.

The Guitar Player in Status Quo just died. Not that anybody knows exactly what Status Quo is, I just want you crazy kids to have another reason for your "Oh, 2016!" "I hate you, 2016!" etc.

I don't "get" "Meet Me In St Louis". It seems like it should be a Great Movie. So I always give a try and . . . I dunno.

I've had Christmas' like that - It sucks.

I was all Worried about Carrie Fisher and . . . WHAM! George Michael!

That's awful!

I'm going out of town after Work Friday and won't be back with my BS til Tuesday. Merry Christmas!

What I Am Is What I Am Dressed Up Am!

They should have Gumby Dragons. That would scare everybody.

Just have the Little Man stand next to some Tall Chinese Guys in one of those Dragon Suits.