
Have you seen her Show? Is it really so doubtful that she is a creepy shitty person?

He supported Ted Cruz against Trump and lost huge amounts of supporters. He really thought Cruz was going to be President. He is a fucking idiot. You don't want him on your Team, Liberals.

Dump Samantha Bee. Ten million posts about Beck but nothing about Bee. She is hideous.

His Business has collapsed. The only thing keeping him going is his Radio Show. The Blaze will disappear any minute now. His dreams of Producing Movies have been abandoned. No more Book Publishing. Nothing but a crap web site and an AM Radio Talk Show.

You forgot the part about Hillary Clinton being scum.

He is nuts.

It's Bullshit. His shabby little Media Empire has gone down the toilet and he needs a Gimmick to keep things going. All of a sudden he wants to be "reasonable". And he also trying to morph into some kind of Motivational Speaker. He's a Huckster.

He is insane. It's amazing the shit he comes up with. He was talking about how he's sick of "The Walking Dead" and making perfect sense when all of a sudden he went off on how France is a Big Deal on "The Walking Dead". France? The Country? And he went off on a Big Riff about the President of France calling Rick on

Who is disgusting enough to be on TV with them? Rosie O'Donnell? Joe Piscopo?

I'm the only one? It's 2016.

He is Number One!

A guy makes ONE joke . . .

Two genuinely hideous disgusting people. Unspeakable.

Big Diff

"Trim ya fingernails!"

You forgot the DOTS!

This has got to be better than that "Classical Rock" bullshit he has been Working on.

Oh! THAT's what that guy meant when he called me a "Contard"! I get it now!

This guy again.

Jerry eats people that for Breakfast!