
I immediately imagined Bowie going "HOTELS!" in his "In the Streets of Brazil!" voice.

"Counterpoint: The Cobbler" would have been a better title.

II forgot about him.

Wil Ferrell isn't better than Adam Sandler. That's bullshit.

Stop making Scorsese Movies.

I remember that Show. It was kind of a mess but Dolly Parton was on it so it was nice.

The idea is to help people get it together after a disaster, not to support them for the rest of their Lives.

But "Deep End" is Cool. Look out for "The Shout"!

Yeah, I looked em up on the Ol' Internet a little while after I posted about Starz here. Sure beats Workin' in a Kitchen.

Killed By Death

That guy would have froze to Death in that Water Tank, you know.

They weren't merely POWS, they were Super Spy Guys at War with Bumbling Nazi Imbeciles!

Doctor Bombay was a Sensation with the Little Kids of the Sixties.

Yeah. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

No, all you have to is say "Everybody who doesn't Worship shitty Mobster Politicians wants to exterminate whole ethnic groups".

I heard a Commercial for this on the Radio yesterday, it didn't mention Will Smith until the very end. Like they didn't know what to do with that bit of information.

Do you live in a wagon that you travel around the Countryside in? Do you tell fortunes for a Living? Don't put a curse on me!

Fuck Yeah, Girard.

I've never seen the Finale. Boy, did it piss a lot of people off. I've been going around telling people I Wrote it.

Yeah, who else would do all this bullshit?