
It can be two things.

I can be sex-positive and still be put off by you saying misogynistic, objectifying things.

Spaghettios are tinned spaghetti, but shaped like rings.

It was this one, and it was a skirt, not a piece of paper. But same diff.

I mean among the settings of the first book there's a 2D world, a lightless ice planet, and a world with literal flying rainbow centaurs. One of them's on the damn cover of the book.

Yes but it was made-for-TV and it sucked.

'Cause Olaf moves toys.

Plus, the new version of Fantasmic that just started at Disneyland this weekend replaced the Pinocchio sequence with "Friend Like Me" and added Aladdin and Jasmine to the romantic princess ballad part of the show.

Which is odd, because Naomi is Indian.

No? It just got a Broadway musical a couple years ago.

Precisely so. I've been trying to articulate why I think Smith is a great choice and that's exactly it.

First I demand a screen test of Naomi with the slave Jasmine outfit before we make any commitments

I'd like Patrick Stewart, since not playing Jafar in the original is, according to him, his biggest career regret.

He can be pretty funny and fast-talking. Think of Fresh Prince or Men In Black.

He's not in it. I think Colin Farrell is starring.

She'll grow it out, or get extensions or something, I'm sure.

Or Harry Potter.

"Just walk about like you own the place. Works for me." — 10th Doctor, The Shakespeare Code.

"Just walk about like you own the place. Works for me." — The Doctor

He's not that kind of doctor.