
Or, say, McDonalds?

It'll be back soon enough.

One of my dearest wishes before Young died was to get him in a film adaptation of Life and Times.

Jessica Rabbit, for one.

I sure am.

She got rid of the dollar sign in 2014, after her time in rehab for an eating disorder.

Generationally speaking, I think.

Bloody good episode.

On the other hand, wasn't it Trump's entire message?

You know, I think this was one of the only times I've ever really hated Beth.

The problem is that the Inhumans have always sucked. Even Jack Kirby couldn't bat a thousand.

I'm holding out for King of the Hill.

Well. Me. But Jgoo first.

My mistake. It was only free for a short time during November. =\

I'd even say most of Saucerful is pretty good.

Nobody needs your hot take, bro.

Yeah, I'm definitely ready to fight about this.

Oh. No, I guess that was just temporarily this past fall.

It's free and only like an hour and a half long, so might be worth your time.

To put it another way, no one would have cared about Star Wars if it wasn't about space battles.