
In fairness it's a brilliant noise.

He sneezed, and when he looked up his kidneys were a totally different color.

Clara saw 11 regen into 12.

I don't imagine this is her "Doctor" outfit, just something meant to conceal her identity until the end of the trailer.

I'm guessing eccentric, whimsical, scientific, and fundamentally good at heart.

The Riddler and Bane also got no favors from their redesign. Bane went from super-Lucha to a gimp mask.

And yet with a much less stupid path to that ending.

The one they're doing has been described as a buddy cop film. But I think it'll be Hal and John rather than Guy and John.

At least Superman knew how important his missions were.

What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk: have at you!

Because comic books are fun.

I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missourah!

Because Fox owns the rights to that character.

Also, her lips naturally taste of hazelnuts.

Many of which are about said personal life to some degree.

I blame all the Trump coverage, it's like stinkbait for his wormy little fanboys.

But her aim is gettin' better!

The public taking an interest, I presume.

Every day for the rest of your life, mac.

It's more that the odds of him finding someone willing to tolerate his presence long enough to get married are already astronomical— twice is too much to ask for. ;)