
I am! I even checked the name and I still typed the wrong one!

Took you months to think of that, did it?

John's… Imm.

How wild would it be if they got David Bradley (who played Hartnell in that 50th anniversary docudrama) to show up as 1?

I think the idea is that she's pink.

You know, I feel Clue adaptations that aren't period pieces kind of lose something.

God, doesn't the Max Rager incident feel like a lifetime ago?

I couldn't, I was distracted by how cool his dastar was.

Your spoiler formatting is off.

It gave us too much of a good thing, Janey.

I hated this brain.

That was always Twin Peaks's deal though, the original had a vintage 40s-50s look to it in a lot of places.

2014, 25 years after the original takes place.

There's a curio shop in Santa Fe that's the oldest remaining house built by Europeans in the US.

I mean, if you're gonna blow your wad on one show, there's sure worse options than The Music Man.

I can answer this one: Because I love Transformers and vainly cling to the hope that this time they'll make one worthy of my 10 bucks.

Animated also kicked butt.

Maybe they can just let it rest a decade or so and reboot around 2030.

In fairness, Wonder Woman seems to have pulled them out of their nosedive.

Yeah that's totally gonna be my new name on the new platform.