
I mean he might as well be Gandalf for all the sense the science ever made.

And if Jack counts so do the Paternoster trio.

Space colony populated with Earth natives (and their robots) in the future. Who's to say they're not English-speaking?

I disagree, I'm finding this season, Monk Trilogy aside, to be much stronger than season 9, of which I only really liked the first four episodes, The Girl Who Died, and Heaven Sent.

*shrug* Speaking as a queer person, you take that chance any time a straight person hits on you.

I tell you, an 8/13 multi-Doctor story is just what the Doctor ordered.

or if his ego is just massive that he just can't resist the opportunity to have his former employer under his thumb.

He should change his name to Major Bummer.

Literally starfucking a notorious serial killer is pretty nefarious.

What do you guys think, is this D-Day or will someone— Fillmore, Baracus, Liv, the CDC— manage to arrange a cover up?

Pretty sure.

I do think they squandered a bit the opportunity of having Don-E and Blaine have to team up with ol' Johnny Law. But man, what an episode!

A fuckin' goldbricker!

I think they might have Obi-Wan'd it with Briggs, he does say "Blue" and "Row" in the original.

There's a restaurant in the town I grew up in that sells these. I've always wanted to try.

Would he be employed as a plumber or something? Seems like they could do that on CW too.

Could be deliberate, I get the feeling Peyton is hopelessly vanilla.

I think I might not.

Because she's hopelessly vanilla and throwing everything she can at the wall to see what sticks for this brain, presumably.

If Liv wants to eat a few more dominatrices, that would be fine with me.