
I mean, I do, but I'm frequently indecisive and taking advantage of the fact that I have an RNG to make my decisions for me that I can keep on my person lets me alleviate it.

It could be she has one of those old school d10s that's just a d20 with 1-10 painted twice on it.

I agree that after 1e, 5e is the next most-likely suspect— and it would explain how Ravi was able to resuscitate Peyton after eating a lightning bolt if Liv let him grant her advantage on a death save.

d12s are the coolest. They're made of pentagons!

They were playing 1e, so it would be a save vs. spells, not a reflex save.

Well keep in mind that at this point it's only been a couple months since the Max Rager incident.

It may be that three years of Blaine, and now of Don-E (who seems to have been expanding much more aggressively than Blaine ever did) have built up enough of a zombie subculture that Don-E was able to recruit a few by choice, I guess? Especially since the Scratching Post is a social hub that offers more zombies the

Unless the domme and the DM had a connection…

The A.V. Club, on a Saturday night!

Covfeferatio Delenda Est!

Oh god, he wet himself, didn't he.


Isn't there a St. Covfefe in Cornwall?

Perhaps he was dictating.

With our children at our covfefeet

*Too covfeffete to tweet

No mention of the Steven Universe OST?


If it means seeing Liv with fox ears and a tail, I'm for it.