
Oh yeah, I forgot Harmonquest.

Well, Tabletop, Acquisitions Inc., and The Adventure Zone all seem like things you might enjoy, because they are not unlike that.

Have you seen Tabletop?


Got me there.

I'd have to rewatch the scene, but I think in the climactic fight with the Lich he did a similar amount of damage which was confirmed to bring down Major and Peyton, so I think so.

Captions had it as Sirjay.

But so did the FBI, didn't they?

I'm also suspecting lingering side effects from the Blue Drink.

Indeed she did.

Better this way honestly.

2 attacks per round is, I think, 13th level in AD&D, which sounds a little better (though still pretty rough.)

Ravi you fucking delight.

Good point.

Or if your DM is one of those who keeps the ACs hidden, that can also be reversed. THAC0 - Roll = Best AC hit.

Oh god, she was ice cold. That hurt.

Classic murderhoboism!

But ideally not because Baracus got kicked upstairs.

Boy, I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder!

Of course the other possibility is that Peyton really, really didn't care, so she's like "oh, what a coincidence, exactly enough to kill me!"