
Or, to reverse it (because this is easier math for most people to do in their head) Roll + AC = Minimum THAC0 to hit

It was affecting his behavior rather than just making him space out, so…

I don't think they were first-level characters, if Clive was only one level away from getting two attacks per round. That would make Peyton pretty squishy for an assassin, but maybe she didn't roll very well.

I mean, we kind of got some personality stuff this week with Don-E. using the tap like a machine gun?

who wants to have two-hour visions of anything?

Wait. Was Major a ranger or a paladin?

Nah, Nuke has convinced me. He is the best after all.

Based on context clues, I believe that Liv's group was playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition, by the way.

So, another week where Liv's zombie powers ended up being completely useless to solving the case, huh? They've been hitting us with that a lot lately.

For a long time I worked on a series bible for a speculative live-action Batman series, but sometime last year I gave up because I realized that in practice I just wanted another couple seasons of BTAS.

She's been retired for years.

There's no real evidence to suggest that it should be, though. Like Reality Except As Noted saves us all a lot of hassle.

What does being butch have to do with being trans, pray tell?

I thought Topaz was gonna be the first male gem

It can be two things.

Maybe this person doesn't write in English as their first language (since they wrote "Steven Université" for some reason, but that could be some cheeky dig at the show too).

Call the Ruby!

A lot of thematic weight goes out the door if it was a Diamond or someone acting on their behalf.

anyway here's Wonderfalls.

I don't think bubbled gems are fully conscious. Peridot literally picked back up in the middle of a sentence.