
Her sketches were hilarious.


Hell, even Eyeball didn't testify about the event itself, just confirmed Steven's identity.

That's sure an interesting possibility.

Blue Pearl is a subtle, Rei-talkin' delight.

What're you thinking, Yellow turns on her?

Her father, possessed by BOB?


Pearl was already sympathetic to the rebellion (and possibly already in a relationship with Rose.) Rose wanted Pink Diamond dead, but wanted Pearl to live to join the rebellion and be with her. If it became known that Pearl killed Pink, she would be overwhelmed with no chance of escape, so Rose set herself up as a


Definitely. The Trial was the highlight here.


I cannot tell if this is sarcastic or not.

Rose needed her to survive long enough to escape to the Crystal Gems.

It's way, way too late for that, I'm afraid.

There are thematic reasons I think it has to be a Crystal Gem.

"Zombies don't talk"

I told you, bro. I warned you about stairs.

I hope we get more Topaz before too long.

Adz got what he wanted (to see Lars die) and I got what I wanted (to see Lars make good.)