
Also, Rhodonite is totally a Pearl and a Ruby, right?

And they emphasized the fact that her Pearl didn't warn her.

Homeworld looks exactly like I thought it would. Except that it has daylight, I expected it to be a rogue planet or orbiting a dead star or something.

Definitely. Never been more sure of anything in my life.

If it makes you feel better that song's a deliberate piss-take.

Most of those plans were clearly lethal if they were allowed to go on more than a few hours.

The oldest story I have listed there is from 1985.

I only didn't bring up Supreme 'cause I was sticking to stuff that specifically uses Superman by name, not pastiches. But Supreme (post-Alan Moore retool, anyway) is good stuff.

She did show up as Dee Dee's grandma in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, so it would seem she retired after the Joker died.

…That's probably not how I'd phrase it but it's definitely missing the forest for the trees.

Damn right.

3) On a related note, the Joker's been trying to prove that people like Batman and James Gordon are "one bad day" away from becoming like him for years. It could be considered a profound failure to understand Batman's basic mythos to suggest that he even CAN be driven over the edge.

So, who's more likely to impose fascism: the guy whose identity is "hey I'm human like you except for that alien stuff that gives me godlike power," or the guy whose identity is "I reject humanity and live to police and punish all of its shittiness?"

Those 50 years produced For the Man Who Has Everything and Whatever Happened to The Man of Tomorrow. They produced Of Thee I Sing. They produced What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way? They produced Kingdom Come. They produced Secret Identity and Red Son and All-Star Superman and Multiversity and Am

I could count on one finger the number of truly exceptional stories about Atticus Finch. It's not about quantity.

That's a shame, it sounds like an awesome fanfic.

The way I've come to see it, the Joker's got a sufficiently fearsome reputation that no one in their right mind would try to kill him… because what's he going to do to you if you try and fail?

If a character is invincible there isn't even the slightest illusion that the hero may stumble or fail.

"Better never means better for everyone."

God, I would read the shit out of that.