
Spinal Tap.

I wouldn't mind Godspeed on this show, as long as he's not a main villain. Likeā€¦ have Barry deal with him in a two-parter, make some comment about how all those other speedsters gave him lots of practice.

Wally was The Flash for 25 years.

I think part of it was psychosomatic. She assumed she would be evil because she was afraid of being like Earth-2 Killer Frost.

I don't offhand but I know that Stephen Amell's contract was through 2019, so I would guess Grant's is through 2021 or 2.

There are a couple episodes, but mostly no.

I don't think Barry would have let him.

As of this season the only prisoner remaining in it was Earth-2 Laurel, who escaped to guest star on Arrow some time ago. I Can't Believe It's Not The Music Meister and Caitlin were both held temporarily but escaped.

Ken Hotate and John Redcorn were actually played by the same guy, no less.

I love Jacqueline's family.

And she's on Twin Peaks now too! Big summer for Laura Dern.

Honestly I don't find the Reverend funny or charming at all, he raises my hackles right up.

Laura Dern is a class act. Glad to have her on this show, even if I was a little back and forth on her character.

Nah, I think he'll be romero next time we see him.

Was that her real hair?

Chase Stein in Runaways is okay.

Domme brain was pretty good.

This is officially my least favorite brain. But next week's brain looks like fun. But I'm also probably going to nitpick every single D&D-related thing they get wrong.

A killer, yes, but I wouldn't say a murderer.

Cliff DeVoe, AKA The Thinker, a golden age villain.