
Jay just got out, and it was Barry's fault anyway. I think he's earned a bye.

I considered that option as well.

If I say Alex and Maggie, can I change my name to Hippolyta?

I was going to say "goofball" but really that's more Strawberry Wally. Likeable dumbass is Barry to a tee.

Not while LOT season 1 exists.

Well, that's what the Time Wraiths/Black Flash are/were for.

Also, I appreciated that Doctor Who shout out from Cisco.


Hell, even I Can't Believe It's Not The Music Meister>Savitar.

No, there haven't been any villains in the Particle Accelerator for a while.

at which point he was created as a remnant, he ceased to be the same person

Her invention rescued Jay from the speed force.

Well, it was a pretty rough final season, but I hope we can all agree that they managed to give us a roller coaster ride of a series finale to go out on!

I enjoy it, but I prefer Mallrats.

He does Bob's Burgers, so he's not averse to shows I guess.

All Pirates Of The Caribbean movies have their share of tedium and lard

So when something is ubiquitous it is surprising when someone is unfamiliar with it.

The computer that presumably blew up with the rest of the planet?


Honestly while I want this, I'd love for them to out Luke as gay. People would keel over in the theaters from rage.