
The mere fact that you call making love "pop-pop" tells me that you aren't ready.

What do you think that "call to the light" Kylo complained of feeling is, if not Anakin trying to do exactly that?

Has there ever been a major villain in Star Wars that wasn't fundamentally a coward on some level?

Fair enough.

That's because it's not a science fiction film. It's a fantasy film that happens to take place in space.

As in the movie that started DCEU

Fair 'nuff.

I know for a fact you are, or else you're gravely mistaken.

I tend to like the theory that it and the super-strength are essentially the same power— a short-range telekinetic field.

Why must you turn the AV club into a house of lies?

Do not want.

Well, Rebirth is kind of complicated but Lois and Clark are about ten years older relative to the universe than everyone else right now (due to some timey-wimey stuff that basically stole a decade from the rest of the universe.)

*looks up world engine* It's not just stupid, but unnecessary since you get superpowers and don't have to eat food for sustenance if you ended up on Earth as a Kryptonian.

I mean, I'm comfortable with Vathlo Island being forgotten about entirely, unless they've done something really clever with the New52 version of it.

I'm so happy to have a DC movie I'm excited about!

I tend to think that secret identities don't really work well, but keeping one's real identity a fairly private matter does. Let the supporting cast in on it at least.

Being the love of Barry's life is a full time job.

Why would an entire species be able to lift an aircraft carrier into space based on the radiation spectrum of the nearest star?

Also, maybe you should watch the others, children's movie or no. They're fun in spite of it (or perhaps even because of it.)

Because it's literally one of the most popular movie series of all time and references to it are ubiquitous in pop culture?