
There's no way that Superman, who's arguably more "human" than Kara, would allow her to essentially decide the fate of the entire world by agreeing to terms of an archaic custom that he no longer believes in. He might forbid her from doing so.

Which is also why Lena hasn't figured it out yet.

They might not have followed the order if Rhea gets incinerated in the first 2 seconds.

You know, sometimes you just gotta roll with it when a show like this says it's a trace amount that will have minimal effect on humans.

It was never explicitly said but I thought it had been abundantly obvious for a while. I think they were just getting it out of the way for people who are like "yeah but"

and while Kara was reluctantly fighting her cousin.

or was that vortex thing actually taking him to the future and we'll see him with the Legion next season?

Because silver age.

I guess in the Silver Age there was Ben Grimm, but it didn't really get explicitly acknowledged until later (though you'd have to be blind not to see how he was coded.)

Speaking as someone of New Mexico Spanish descent, I don't see why not.

Is Floriana Lima not Latina?

She gave Kara a pep talk at the end and then Kara heard something on the news that made her rush off to do some heroing, and as she left Cat muttered "Go get 'em, Supergirl."

Leaving aside that we do not live in the universe this show takes place in and so none of that is relevant to whether it is sexist in the context of reality, Obama and Oprah are black and there's still racism.

I like Artemis, they don't have to make her a villain.

Well, for one, they managed to make it feel sufficiently knock-down and drag-out without a reckless disregard for civilian lives or turning either Clark or Kara into a murderer.

I do have faith in both of them that they could have, but they weren't given the chance to. Hoechlin makes it look so easy.

As we have been for over a year now.

Babs is probably a good influence on her though.

I do wish Rebirth would've given us a canon Alex though.

Lena's a regular next year, just saying.