
For a while in the 2000s Kara's baseline was a little higher than Clark's because she didn't hold back as much.

I think it was Reign.

Honestly in my experience that's pretty realistic for lesbians.

Honestly I'd have preferred Kate to marry Renee Montoya.

It would still get on his skin.


So let's run the numbers:

I do hope there'll be at least one female character. But this is Rockstar, so I don't hope much.

And Blue Snowman!


Interesting! I don't encounter a lot of love for the ending of the series.

For Eva are you talking just the series or including EOE?

Not only if you ponder, it bothered me right away.

Exactly, though, I think that was a cheap tactic.

I think there might be.

That would have bothered me less, I think.

That's exactly my problem though, I found it too manipulative. Have a happy ending or don't, yanking the tablecloth is poor form.

I'm pretty sure after Goldie Scrooge was never interested in anyone else enough to bother.

Not on TBJ, but it did get mentioned a few months later on the mothership.

While I have no doubt that Mickey is capable of gentlemanly chastity (and likewise Minnie is up to the task of acting like a lady even behind closed doors), I also have unshakeable faith that theirs is a grand and sweeping romance, so I can't quite get myself to believe that they exercise that capability— but only