Mark Mason

Not a word on Eric's admission of the rape? That seems a strange oversight. Was it "missed" (or did I misunderstand what I saw/heard)? Or, is there something else going on. I hope, as a queer identified cis-gendered male, I hope it isn't a PC fear that we cannot call out the queer teen with a violent and sexist

I think someone got Tyler's phone. OR he did send the emails but it was a "trick" to out the other boy.

I'm not sure there's a more fitting outcome for every DA…is there even one left who isn't power hungry and ruthless with no interest at all in the people's struggle for justice?

Oh, yes. I think Bonnie has acted in a way that is congruent with abuse survivors. She seems a mix of sexually hungry, her looks at Sam in some of the early episodes of season 1…her coded language with Ms. A. K. …yes, and, it doesn't really matter since it's being brought up to support a false situation of sexual

I'm no totally sure, but there is some evidence that she didn't in some of the dialogue with her and Frank about "knowing eachother"… But I'm not convinced she's not the one who ordered the hit on Lyla.

I agree with the "plan" approach. From the flash forward with Connor saying "It's all your fault" I thought to myself, oh, this is a taken shot that is supposed to be non-fatal. SPOILER ALERT FOR A REALLY OLD MOVIE - The Negotiator with Keven Spacey and Sam L. Jackson — the end is Jackson shooting Spacey like "the

I think it's more like a Sen. Kennedy thing. Probably a drunken vehicular accident that he was never "tied to".

Remember episode 2 of season 1 when Ms. K talks about how you never really know anyone, She picks Asher specifically and says, "Do we really know what skeletons are in your closet, criminal arrests, and something else". I'm starting to wonder if that wasn't the first ironic clue.

What funny is remember in season 1 episode 2. Michaela asks how Conner keeps getting all this insider information…and Conner says, "You'll never know"… now season two she up in the house joining Oliver in a little 2 on 1 v Conner!

I got to tell you, I think it is totally faked. Totally designed to emotionally manipulate Asher.

There is no reason at ALL to assume that's really an evidence file of Bonnie being sexually abuse. It's a blond girl, that's all we know. Ms. A. would use that ambiguity on Asher.

That's an interesting point. I'll have to consider. It's unlikely a show would actually make such a clear reveal and then say, "It was just the image in their heads when the told the story".

No mention of Henry's "first crush"?

Candyoh, I felt it was a ruse too. But could be one of these "just close enough to the truth" lies that work well.

I thought the same thing about the "hand hold" especially since it seemed out of place after all the "What are you doing, we can't be seen together…" I doubt it a little bit more since they didn't make the reveal in that recap where they showed it again. But it would have been a classy move…

Um, moralist much? Most of the character are compelling attorneys who care about helping the accused.

Whaeever, have you considered a few things?

Destroying it could expose one to "tampering" with evidence or "spoiling". It could also be used to bring charges of "impeding an investigation". Though some of those charges are often used to coerce cooperation.

Jay, I'm so GLAD you brought this up. I suppose it's at least possible the prosecutor (for whom I have not even half an interest in defending) may have gone to the girl and said, YOU send this didn't you? In that way that prosecutors think they know reality…and the girl, ceased on it… But, otherwise, that

Here is my theory. We are being "trolled" by good storytelling. The shooting of Ms. Annalise is NOT what it appears to be. Remember, we now know that Ms. A has barbiturates. I believe she was "shot" in a place and way to NOT kill her. It may not have gone exactly as planned…I also think she may have taken