Mark Mason

I think your analysis of one point missed the mark : . Connor is not "more tethered to reality" because of Oliver. He's more SENSITIVE to death and guilt. He feels he "caused" Oliver's HIV status. He may or may not really have internalized how much HIV status is no longer a death sentence, etc. Finally, I was NOT

Whispers being in Will's head seems to me to be of no real consequence. Will doesn't know how he got to where he is (which he also doesn't know). It can be used to create a very effective "detecting" sequence by Whispers, ala Minority Report when Tom C. looks at every little frame of the precog report to figure out

Um, first they're characters in a fictional story…just like this "hell" of which you speak.

Why would you hope comment are only "anti-suicide"?

I HAD that very thought too!

This is the age old confusion of two words like some over worked segment on Electric Company, Sesame Street, or almost any comedy of errors.

There's no "shit" there. Because of the base rate for HIV infection vs the efficacy of the TEST. It is still less likely you DON'T have the virus AFTER your first positive than it is that you do have it. In that sense, if they explain why, it would be IMPORTANT information.