Mark Mason

The birthday party wasn't a scene from Black-ish …it was a gender swap of Get Out.

It's worth pointing out there are few "good places" for Teo! I think he may have become a sex worker.

And there in could lay the conflict. Perhaps Isaac is gay and gay for Coy. Coy is a desperate addict, but has he gets more healthy will reject the advances. Or …equally… submit "for the time". There is a lot of issues around sex trafficking and they have already introduced a young queer hustler!

You earned a follow for this analysis. Thank you.

You are so off on this. The "crime" is not unauthorized immigrants. The crime is the abuse heaped on them and literally the theft of funds and liberty as they're enslaved by the managers. This is a key point and it is designed to expose and bring to light those who demonize immigrants.

Coy and Isaac definitely seem to have a vibe to me. It could well be a carry over from Connor Jessup's transcendent portrayal of Taylor Blaine last season. It can also be the juxtaposition of Isaac vs his brother. They way the brother is "clearly hard" and suggests it's a feature lacking into the present laborers.

Is it me or has How to Get Away with Murder become SVU 2?

Shout out to a fellow Brony. And yes, this seems to be a show patented for us.

I think the real truth is school shootings are trivial. They're just the type of drek that we over emotionalize and consider far beyond the actual consequences. But, I will agree that Ms. R. ought to have the good sense to know that people have a distorted sense of this issue and not "pander"

The jokes about her attitude with Debbie in the last episode was totally rich. The focus testing one.

I was just about to confirm that. Just saw the episode and he paid and probably paid well.

Did anyone else notice that Junior is a Brony?

There's nothing to worry about with Junior. He's a Brony, so he'll be fine. The herd will be there for him.

I love the way the shoot sceens making "Adam" seem to almost have a psychic link with the poxed monster. The bars of the stairs juxtaposed with the Poxed man tearing bars over the child model in the magazine.

Understanding that the "google definition" is incomplete and insufficient in the matters of the science of sociology is like understanding that the definition doesn't get many technical terms correct (because that level of accuracy isn't needed).

We need more activists!


Oh, The Prederick, that's ALMOST as sure and as painful as that "our officers acted according to procedure and there was no wrongdoing" from that either union rep or "half-baked" prosecutor!

I think Kevin is the won who drugged Taylor (no basis, just what I think).

Sam, thank you and a VERY fair analysis. There is much we don't know. But what we do know is that Eric has some issues with consent.