
The JFK assassination has already been solved. It was Rafael Cruz.

I think this might be the type of conspiracy theory that dies when it stops being useful. But you never know.

If the Trump administration has taught us one lesson, it is that you can be pretty damn unethical without actually breaking any laws.

No one culture "created" the swastika. It's not Hindu, or Native American, or German, or Slavic, or Baltic, or Celtic, or Persian, or…

The swastika is or was used in an astonishing number of cultures, and it's drawn in every conceivable way.

I can't tell whether you are being sarcastic. It is a good thing that Hindus and Native Americans feel uncomfortable using their own symbols which have nothing to do with nazism?

People aren't "wondering" though. They are outright calling for the show to be cancelled.

When you are righteous, it helps to also be right…

I haven't seen the show, but it's interesting if they gloss over that part, since the novel makes it clear that, yes, the Nazis very much exterminated the "untermensch" after they won. It's heavily implied that they continued with exterminating black people in Africa as well.

That is a terrible idea, and it doesn't do much for Germany. Nazis just use slightly different symbols.

It's more than a little ironic coming from people angry about the marginalization of black people…

Why let such a pesky thing as facts get in the way of some good outrage?

No, Mexican pizza is a different thing, which also totally exists. Any Swedish pizza place will definitely have at least 5 different variants of Mexican pizza.

You are getting your culinary abominations mixed up. Bearnaise goes with dodgy beef, while "white sauce" which mostly consists of mayonnaise, if you are lucky, goes on the kebab pizza.

Although the modern vampire is almost entirely built upon Bram Stoker's Dracula, and the pieces of folklore he chose to use.

Thanks for the warning.

He's broke because he bought too many monkeys.

Not the bees!

Go outside in, lets say Rome, and you'll see buildings that have seen the notion that people shouldn't own other people fall in and out of fashion multiple times.

Seems like more of a general problem with the advanced age of politicians…