
"Ball approached Anne's car and told her of his kidnapping plan, which
was to hold her for ransom, which he claimed he intended to give to the
National Health Service."

The subscription-based streaming market will split into more and more services, and with less and less content on each one, until no one has enough to be worth paying for.

I think acceptance of garlic is a pretty good litmus test of a culture's worth.

It doesn't say anywhere that the employee had any supervisory role.

Google Dicks

Counterpoint: people should shut up about politics at work.

It will probably remain out there

The true crime here is distributing a fucking 10 page memo at work. Take your opinions with management and leave people's mailboxes in peace.

There's the AIDS denialism I guess?

You are the complete opposite of most people I guess?

This is a pretty succinct description of modern pop music.

Yes, that's the quote I apparently botched.

They also use them to fuck.

Thanks AV Club, I just got fired from the kennel.

It doesn't make any sense. They Klingons have their own script, so they wouldn't write it like that. And there's no reasons why humans would transliterate it that way into English, as "capital letter at the end of word" isn't used for any type of sound.

Maybe they can explain how the Vulcans got their pointy ears as well. I for one am dying to know.

Sand Snake #3 who I can't even remember the name of is not close to important enough to earn a fake-out death.

Melisandre died on the way to her home town.

Did she remove the $? She sold out IMO.

It runs in the family.