
Not seeing any comments is a far better experience than what most people had.

You know how countries often slide back into authoritarian rule after messy revolutions? Now I know why.

But it's not called investing, it's called producing…

Well, that's February ruined…

Day? More like month.

Isn't "producing" code for "ponied up some cash for" most of the time?

Is that a teenager librarian, or a librarian for teenagers?

Yeah, I haven't the foggiest.

Dick van Dyke.

*Scully voice-over*
- I have alien DNA in me. DNA that comes from aliens. It's from aliens that I got this DNA. Aliens.

Spender's Game

You've got to be shitting me…

It's called The War of Superhero Aggression

Decent, but I'm disappointed you didn't go with Sharecock or something.

That won't be a problem given the racial makeup of the Avengers.

It's insensitive towards allergic people?

So… what you are saying is that it's brilliant?

You don't really need anything else to understand European history.

The hysteria in the typical Nic Cage movie usually isn't of the "mass" variety though.

Weird, unhinged Carter is the best Carter. See also "The Postmodern Prometheus".