
Native Amazonian tribes don't have TV anyway, so they won't be angry.

If they hadn't, the article would presumably have said "cannibal films that inspired The Green Inferno haven’t exactly aged
well, not least because of the problematic cultural appropriation of Western actors pretending to eat people"

I already like you better than the previous owner.

Different kind of cave.

Yeah, about that… I just bought this thread, so if you would please remove yourselves from my property, that'd be swell.

It has always been a peripheral project though.

Has he made anything worthwhile at all since the mid 00's though? The Third Hand was so terrible I haven't listened to anything from him since. Have I missed something?

There are some good episodes in season one, but some really bad ones as well. It wouldn't hurt to watch the pilot really, and don't miss Beyond the Sea. Other than that, you could probably start with season two

Come on, it's more like the last two-three

House of Flying Daggers is like something RZA would have made on an especially good day in the 90's.

Or maybe not, if you look at the first comment on that post.

It's kind of lazy though. RZA seems to literally have phoned in his part (you can hear a phone ring in the background).

Ironman has Daytona 500 though, which is at least in the top 3 Wu-related songs.

He has some solid guest spots as well, like on Gang Starr's Above the Clouds.

Random movie clips set to music? Marvelous! What will you think of next, Internet?

*Rips off gold chain*

Maybe she just wanted some long dick hip-hop affection?

Well, Wu-Tang IS for the children.

"If only there were an actor who was particularly well-suited to play Ian McKellen’s friend…."

*Orders invasion of Iraq*
- I live for this shit!
—Vin Diesel as Dick Cheney