Dapper Dan

Also, 47 is a master of disguise and you could have a lot of fun using that to create an atmosphere of suspicion and paranoia in the film. Who and where is the hitman? It could be anyone! That chef working with a meat cleaver, a new electrician, maybe even one of the bodyguards or that guy in a chicken costume handing

What if the film was about policemen and/or other parties trying to stop Agent 47, who would mostly be just a background character and we would just see results of his elaborate work?

Hey, pal, did you get a load of the nerd?

Obi-Wan viewed droids as tools, not people. R2 units were mass-produced, I don't find it weird that Obi-Wan wouldn't recognize one specific droid from that line (particularly when they look identical).

Maybe he doesn't even know Anakin was Vader?

I submitted my Friend Code, too!

Dr. Strangelove, on the other hand…

My brain tried to decipher that weird sentence by reading it in Jar Jar's voice.

And belts! Dozens and dozens of belts!

I thought that X-Men were originally created so that Stan Lee wouldn't have to think of different origins for new characters' powers.

*Engineers proceed with building an orange robot suit without any kind of mask or helmet*

But are they comfy and easy to wear?

Just get her into the truck, donate her at Best Buy and replace her with a new big, flat girlfriend.

I love it when Batman fights Superman! I can't get enough of such conflicts! You know why? Because Batman is just a normal human who wins a fight with a god just thanks to his intellect and physical training. Oh, and also thanks to his insanely expensive power armors, his own bat-tank, kryptonite, hyper plasma

Little correction: that Alan Moore's project was called Twilight of the Superheroes.

How did Poe get out of that sand dune? Easy. First, he reached in and pulled his legs out. Then he pulled his arms out with his face.

Yes, you can buy Planescape: Torment from GOG (and it will be playable on modern Windows systems). But you'll probably also want to get some widecreen patch.

It's time to get a new wife then.

That's "Señor Kilowog" to you!

I thought the contrast of cartoonish Mario and real-like world looked really goofy and weird, until Mario started hopping over the jump rope. That looked goofy and awesome.