Dapper Dan

Federation Force ended with Samus Aran somehow getting kidnapped and turned into a damsel in distress / brainwashed final boss

Also Super Smash Bros. games.

I am talking about the Bendis method.

What do you mean, the Bendis method? Brian Michael Bendis? His method? Like, six to thirty panels of people talking? Panels of people using words, that kind of talking? That's the Bendis method? You mean, people just talking to each other? Yes? Yes. I see. Brian Michael Bendis the writer? That method?

Hey, back off, it worked for the Green Lantern movie, it can work here too!

Brian Michael Bendis doesn't understand that? You mean, he doesn't get what makes a good superhero comic book? Brian Michael Bendis? His dialogue is repetitive? Brian Michael Bendis' character repeat their lines? Seriously? Brian Michael Bendis the writer?

Yes, I knew that, but I wasn't expecting it to be so lazily done.

Isn't Dash actually a really bad character?

Yes, I have the same problem. That scene from one the first arc of Star Wars comic book series where Vader uses Stormtroopers as human shield really bugged me and made me a bit angry.

Alien 3 is "good" in the sense that "it's good we still have the two previous films, because this one sucked".

No, he debuted in the Batman comic book and was primarily a Batman villain ever since.

It's "Yuge River," actually.

I am not so sure about that. I've heard that the majority of real Japanese people live underground and people you see on the surface are just elaborate androids whose purpose is to fool the rest of the world.

He's edgy, he's "in your face". You've heard the expression, "let's get busy"? Well, this is an Exeggutor that gets "biz-zay"! Consistently and thoroughly.

Doesn't that guy look like Jack Nicholson?

John Wesley Shipp.

Oh yeah, right, because when people come out as asexuals they don't encounter any problems or stigma at all. Asexuality is widely tolerated and accepted…

This is not only incosiderate and bigoted of you, but also really disgusting.

Wow, that sounds insane! It must be one heck of a beast in Trick Room teams.

I don't know whether they made some changes to the friendship mechanic in the 7th generation, but the only things that lowered friendship in the previous generations were: fainting, using bitter medicine, trading the Pokémon to someone else. That's it, really.