Dapper Dan

I don't post here often, but I have been visiting this website for years, pretty much daily, and I love the commentariat here. I am not going to list everyone I like here, because the list would be too long. Even though I've never met any of you and you were just little pictures with witty and interesting remarks

Wishing rain is too good for them. Rain is refreshing and soothing (particularly in summer). No, we should wish them a very, very sunny day. The kind of sunny where there is at least 39°C in the shade and it's so incredibly hot outside that their skin starts blistering and their cargo shorts catch on fire.

Also, Hannibal.

Nuts & Fun - Together at Last!

Of course you'd say that! You have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter!

The mere fact that you call it 'pop pop' tells me that you're not ready.

I have never played this game, but I just want to say I like Peach's summer dress.

Marvel version of this joke:

I think it was called "The Hell That Couldn't Slow Down".

"< spoiler > Text < /spoiler >" tags (without spaces).

First, they were a bit cautious with production of Switch after the failure of Wii U. Now they have problems getting NAND chips from Toshiba, because they have to compete with Apple for them.

Duh, Watchmen Babies in V for Vacation.

2.) I once read a theory saying that monsters were afraid of physical contact with humans because they used to carry the plague in the past. But that would mean monsters were visiting human children at least since the medieval times.

"Metroid Art Academy: Welcome Amiibo" for 3DS.

Yeah, perfect except for that stupid and stubborn placement of the left analog stick. And also, what's that goofy light bar for?

Yes, it was really nice and wonderful to be able to revisit Kanto, but a lot of places were either miniaturized, almost empty, or missing completely. Also, levels of trainers' and even Gym leaders' Pokémon don't really scale up, so the whole game becomes very easy and unchallenging at that point.

I named mine "Habeas Karpus"!

You forgot black.

I love that song.

"Are you talking to me?"
"No, my son is also named Bort."