Dapper Dan

Yes, it led to 52 (which I liked), a different series written by different people. Identity Crisis is still an appalling piece of garbage.

Yeah, but this mercenary is really good at fighting. How about that?

I know that's not true and you are just making that up, because something like that would actually be (stupid) fun, and fun has no place in DC cinematic universe.

See also: Hannibal Bates.

Whoever recommended Identity Crisis to you is either a bad prankster or a sick maniac, and they deserve to be slapped on their stupid face. That book is seriously terrible and disgusting.

Make it Crazy Quilt and Condiment King team-up!

I am not really sure about the details, but I remember his complaints about that particular episode.

It gets better. Calendar Man's real full name is Julian Gregory Day.

Yes, you are right. Riddler's real name is Edward Nashton.

I think he was specifically angry at that one episode in the third season, where Oliver and Thea got stranded on Lian Yu with Slade, and they both defeat him without big difficulty.

I found it a bit ridiculous that a rookie Batman was capable of defeating Deathstroke, a super-powered veteran and mercenary.

Okay, let's recapitulate Boba Fett's actions in The Empire Strikes Back. He managed to see through Han's garbage disposal trick, tracked him to Bespin and helped Darth Vader with capturing Han and Leia. Also, he showed he wasn't scared of Vader even a little bit.

- David S. Goyer

"Hello, my name is Mr. Redyns, and I come from some studio far away. Yes, that will do. Anyway, I say we invest the money back into the original DCEU vision of Zack Snyder."

I mean, on one hand I see this is quite a rational stance and probably the best course of action that could have been taken at the moment. But on the other hand, I just really like gorillas much more than I like children, so…

They were at home, washing their tights!

Seriously, if someone is so stupid and sick that they find that relationship romantic, they should be locked at Arkham.

Zug zug.

Counter-counterpoint: Most babies and toddlers look like fleshy potatoes.

But weren't those just prequels which didn't have to be read to continue with the main story?