Dapper Dan

Whoa, that's sounds pretty bad. Thanks for the advice.

No, asexuality doesn't mean complete sexual abstinence and/or erectile dysfunction. I am asexual, I masturbate and don't have problems with erections.

I personally don't have a problem with this model, and it's because of two reasons:

Or maybe some people don't use it as an excuse and they don't get laid because they are not interested in getting laid?

(I was just joking, I wasn't seriously excusing those people.)

Because some, I assume, are good people.

"Braaains. Braaains. Our government is controlling our brains via water fluoridation! Wake up, people! Braaains!"

Uh, okay, I have two questions:

I bought Mega Man Legacy Collection on my 2DS a few days ago. This is my first try to really get into the series, and so far I've found it to be a bit too difficult and frustrating. Could somebody please advise me which of the six NES titles is the best one to start with?

The very first version of Blue Beetle (Dan Garrett) is in public domain now, but the other ones, who are more well-known and popular (Ted Kord and Jaime Reyes), still belong to DC. That's it, no real problems for DC or WB.

ZACK SNYDER: So… I've been thinking… He's a time traveler. So he can visit any era in human history, right?. Well, I think he should revisit the Holocaust! Let's make this really mature!



Like a buddy comedy with Blue Beetle? Too good to be true. I don't trust Warner Bros. to not squander such an idea.

Well, then he is stupid!

He's not Green Lantern, he's Booster Gold!

It would probably qualify for a Great Job, Internet!.

SNYDER: Jenkins, take Diana and Trevor and make them slit a few throats.
JENKINS: You said the script would be kept under my supervision!
SNYDER: I am altering the script. Pray I don't alter it any further.

I've heard that there was an explicitly asexual character on a TV show Sirens, but I haven't seen that show. Anyway, asexuals have really poor representation in pop culture, so this particular reveal brings me a lot of joy.

Don't forget his mother, Lara Lor-Van.