Dapper Dan

Oh, please, tell me you are joking.

Everyone knows Lakitu really is a kind of Koopa. What @avclub-ed0871ac01726144474982051e55c5f4:disqus presupposes is… maybe it isn't?

"Anakin, do you like movies about gladiators?"

Is this the right moment for me to say I really, really like Kamino? It's probably my favorite Star Wars planet. All those oceans and nearly constant rain have a nice, soothing effect on me.

Eh, I don't really care very much about this particular change. I just take it that Moraband is a current, modern name for the planet, while Korriban is a previous, ancient name used by the Sith.

And didn't Spidey ultimately beat Ock by talking to him and reminding him of his own humanity? In my opinion that is much, much more awesome and impressive than punching him really hard, snapping his neck, or pushing him into an explosion.

Oh yeah? Well, my personal theory is that you are crazy for having such a crazy theory.


You spent the whole afternoon stirring the spaghetti sauce, right?

To be honest, I think El Diablo was the most interesting character in the whole film, and the only one I actually cared about. And I was very pleasantly surprised by him, because I expected him to be just a meaningless side character (just like Katana).

You know, I really enjoyed Rick Flag in Ostrander's comic book series. He was not a perfect man and he had a lot of emotional baggage, but he had a very strong sense of honor and he was trying to do the right thing, even when he was a part of something like the Suicide Squad.

Yes, you are completely right.

They did not throw out everything else except the original trilogy. Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series remained canon.

"Hey, that really sucked!"

The New 52 version of Suicide Squad is quite bad, but John Ostrander's run from the 80s is seriously great. I'd even say that it's one of the best comic book series DC ever published.

Is Ostrander really underrated? Pretty much every time I hear his work being discussed it's only in good terms.

August General in Iron was in the New 52 relaunch of Justice League International.

Is this the right time to complain about Spider-Man? It gets on my nerves when people talk about him like if he was some great example of a good person, because what I often see in him is an immature bully. Yes, he stops crimes, but he also constantly humiliates his opponents in juvenile ways. Also, for somebody whose

I think she got her college scholarship thanks to being a great gymnast.

Yeah, hair.