
"Close your eyes and picture a pillow. A BIG pillow."
Diane's incredulous face. Will's in love.
"… Now, take off your shoes."

Looked like 400 people to me.

I agree that the most likely suspect is Damien and I think it was the cop that Kalinda's been sleeping with who discovered it - it was kind of unusual to show Kalinda using her laptop when in bed with her. Also the timing would be weird if someone didn't just discover it, there would be no other reason to wait so long

That's a good point which I haven't really considered because the show kind of downplayed the impact of that suspension, but you're right that it would certaintly hit his credibility no matter the legal impact.
Though I thought that the deal meant that it was supposed to play out outside of the court? That he'd turn

Oh sure, anything is still possible, especially given Will's recent dive into crazy. However I'd still count this one, because whatever happens next, it was a big deal. He was given a literal out-of-jail card and refused it.
In fact Will simply is guilty, so as far as I can tell, to escape prison he'll have to take

I think that he's decided not to lie for Peter, but also not to actively try to destroy him. Not to mention that he just doesn't like being threatened as we've been shown before.
Having said that, I was still impressed that he didn't agree to take the immunity, and I wonder how far does his loyalty for Alicia go after

I didn't realize how much I missed Will and Diane calmly strategizing until we got that short scene with Cary in Diane's office. The Lockhart/Gardner vibe is so different when compared with the Florrick/Agos crowd whom I somehow can't stop seeing as kids. It is a different show now and that scene felt really

Actually she was wrong just last episode when Cary played her with the info about client's daughter. So I guess that Cary strikes again, this time using Kalinda's unfamiliarity with the concept of honesty.
I wonder what might be the consequences of Kalinda screwing up this time? They seemed to focus a lot on their duty

It also underlines how for all the Florrick/Agos initial insistence on more ethical practice, they've already turned into miniature Lockhart/Gardner. Now that they represent Bishop the only difference is that they are the management. Which is in fact not a criticism because it was bound to happen if they wanted to

Exactly, I would say that it was much more subtle because it was a show about professionals. Whatever was happening in their personal lives, they tried very hard for it not to influence their conduct at workplace. Now all the feelings are still very much unspoken, but the professionalism is gone. You have to suspend

Oh ok, thanks.

In Vulture's recap Joanna Robinson transcribed the two conversations. I'll just copy and paste those, but the whole article is quite insightful, so you should read it if you have a moment.

I'm not sure he's that happy because this whole situation is incriminating for Will as well. He should have disclosed the video when he found out about it, or at least when Peter denied to take responsibility for it's fate himself. It's tricky with the client/attorney privilege, but the moment it became Will's

The problem for me is that him being childish is more a symptom of show’s change, than a simple character flaw. This show used to be very subtle and quiet, and as I recently rewatched some past episodes, it struck me how much it changed when compared to episodes from season 1, or even later season 4. The show is now

Just wanted to add how much I love that Peter's politician's schtick of pretend innocence absolutely works. I skimmed through some of the online responses to the episode, and most of the commenters, as well as some reviewers, absolutely believed him when he denied knowledge of the video's contents.
Kudos to both Chris

Lying to the judge was really cold, but Will didn't lie about Peter. I just watched the scene between Peter and Will in last season's finale, and Will did tell him that the votes were fraudulent. In this case it's Peter who's lying, or at least misremembering things.
Also I know Peter's a politician, but I really hated

I'm probably the only one, but whether she's imaginary or not, I actually feel bad for her. Other than the fact she's kind of awful, her only fault was to stumble into the mess that is Alicia and Will. She'll just get hurt, while she could have been out there, tattooing some emotionally available men.

Count me in, especially if it meant that after a few of these episodes, and Howard's racist or sexist comments he'd end up as Nick: off our screens. It's kind of difficult to enjoy him as comic relief given his sexual harrassment of paralegals.

I like Kalinda as an independent character, but she also always worked great as a catalyst for others. She could act more as a link between F/A and LG, actually I thought that's what they were going for when Cary didn't come clean as to how Kalinda sold them out. Some double-agenting would be nice, especially given