
It's interesting that Finn is the next character into whose mind we get a glimpse with this shooting trauma. It's now only Diane and Cary out of the main cast that didn't get any kind of flashbacks. Oh, and Peter and Eli but I don't think we really want to get into politicians' heads.
Also agree about that

I really appreciated the direction, he seemed to be more comfortable experimenting with camerawork this time and managed to capture the confusion of the 'memory pops' very well; and even more importantly he always gets great performances, especially from Julianna (and knowing he directs always makes me pay attention

One other thing, while I absolutely love all the 'memory pops' and strange visions the characters seem to experience lately, because they are the only way to give some sort of insight into these people (who will never ever speak their mind to each other). They also make them all seem kind of crazy. I mean, imagine a

The show really has changed again just as Alicia has, I love the experimental stuff they try. I'm not sure if Kalinda's intrusive visions of Will worked for example but I appreciate the effort.

I think that Finn's wife having a miscarriage is a way-out for the writers. Marriages often fall apart after loss of a child, so if they need to they can always make Finn divorced. They're probably watching for the audience response before committing either way.
I'm going back and forth about him as a love interest. I

I was actually thinking that if this was the first episode I watched of TGW, I'd probably believe that Kalinda was the one Will was romantically involved with. Especially the moment when Cary reached out to touch her and it brought memories of Will. Alicia seemed like she lost a very close friend, Diane naturally felt

You're welcome, I know next to nothing about sports but still enjoyed the clip cause Charles was perfectly in character and seemed to be having so much fun. I'm actually watching Sports Night for the first time right now, and love it so far.
And this article made me sure that Josh will do just fine in the long run.

If we're reporting Josh Charles news, then I just checked out his IMDB page and he is #66th! About a year ago he was in the first 5000, and he moved up by 2000 just this week. I really hope that he uses this popularity well and gets some great roles.
His death might just prove to be the move that makes his career. Not

Agree about all those dropped plots, but I wonder whether Grace wasn't admiring at the time Checkhov's guns nobody saw coming until last Sunday.
I remember reading an interview with the Kings at the time and they said something about how it'll make sense later in the season, so it might be that this plot point was

Yeah, unfortunately it can be safely assumed that there will always be people hating on Alicia because she's such an emotionally closed-off character. The love triangle aspect doesn't help, because these complaints are additionally fuelled by that weird need for competition that causes shipper wars, and feelings of

I really feel for her, for having to hide her pain all the time. It seems however like Alicia is finally going to break.
Though quite a few people seem to be pissed off at her for seemingly making both Will's death about herself and making him apologize, I think that in the end she's not really imagining Will's words

I started to write down some of my thoughts and then realized that I don't really feel the need to discuss this episode in any great length. After thinking about the last one this whole week I still feel exhausted. The show I used to love is gone, and though I'll certainly keep watching its new incarnation because the

Now that I think about it, Kings could have dodged a bullet by killing Will with one of those sentient Good Wife elevators.

I've been thinking quite a lot about Will Garnder for the past two days (probably too much when I should focus on my dissertation, instead I wrote something of an essay on a fictional character, oh well). I'm posting it here even though the discussion already cooled down, cause I just need to get rid of all those

For the first time ever (I only started watching last September) I'm excited about potential Kalinda storyline. I always loved her relationship with Will, even though I wouldn't call it exactly healthy. When with Kalinda, Will tended to wallow in their 'otherness', trying too hard to convince himself that he couldn't

I think it was even more about Will projecting on him. They bonded over backpacking in Italy etc even at the beginning, but it really struck me when Will said that Jeffrey injured his hand pitching in a baseball game.

I kind of don't know what to say…
To me while Alicia is the soul of the show, Will has always been its heart. As Sonia mentioned in her review, amongst all those rational, closed-off people, he was the one who allowed himself to be led by his passions. Whether it was winning a case, or loving a woman for twenty years,

And was it just me or was the long shot of Will's hand stopping the elevator door weirdly… sexual? Maybe it was just the music, or maybe the show has conditioned me into some kind of elevator fetish. If I ever stumbled into TGW world I would make sure to just take the stairs.

Also everyone was smiling! Will smiled! I think that was the most shocking development of the episode for me.

I don't think the episode was supposed to indicate that Will and Alicia were endgame, in fact I wouldn't expect a clear one from this show at all. If anything it showed that while they have a deep connection, it's so complicated by all the history, that it might be better for them to stay away from each other. Besides