Dana Rose

The demon whatshisname was her dad, he wasn't a vampire, though

True, and now we see how she became a vampire — hint: think Rogue from the X-Men

I quote you: "Even if freezers were unopened, going without electricity for years means anything in them would still be rotten." That was to what I was referring.

I am going to rewatch that episode online to see. Really? They ate all that either in one or 2 days, what gluttons. But Melissa's finger episode might have occurred over the course of 2-3 days. She is a fool, since she could die from that.

Well, That startled me too. But we do not get to know what is the exact passage of time, or what is called in theater, TV or films the "story time." It could have been over the course of a month — but we could see this compared to Melissa's cut finger — as soon as she cut her finger, it becomes a single day.

I think Melissa will be in dire trouble — that finger could get infected and she could be in real danger, so the next person will be a trained doctor, or some smart person like ME who would have gone to a university library to learn how to be an optometrist, a medic, a surgeon JUST IN CASE.

Add garlic and scallions and fry until soft. Add sauce mixture, crickets and eggs back into the wok or skillet, and warm thoroughly. Cook rice noodles for about 10 minutes in boiling water. Remove and drain noodles, and add to wok or skillet.

I really wanted Erica's entire spiel to Phil 2.0 to be transcribed here. It was too funny and worth quoting!

I have thinking that the smartest thing to do is to get to a terrestrial radio station, turn on the generators or get it solar powered so they can send out SOS or try to see if anyone responds or use a satellite radio system. They have cars and cars have radios. This way Phil's brother could be heard — he has a

yeah I expected the reviewer to take Phil to task about that — he actually just set the bag of bacon wrappers onto a jet ski and set it into motion? And expected it to be taken away and not return on its own? HA!!! BTW, they can try sailing in a BIG boat to see if they locate other people. I thought of that last

WOW what a thought, and it is probably true! HA! I bet we will find out via someone managing to get the World Wide Web rebooted and we can see — or maybe a newspaper clipping about 2,0 Phil being a criminal or con

I think he may have meant the entire Earth, not solar system.

True, I eat expired crackers and stuff and Twinkies are supposed to last for the apocalypse

You are right Hang. Also, leaving the couch and chairs outdoors in Tuscan, exposed to sun would damage them, dry them out, fade them, expose them to rain.

Yeah, and big-mouth 2.0 Phil yapped about how he knew about solar paneling and could install it in Tuscan so why didn't he? I bet hardware stores or department stores had them.

Yes, and didn't they talk about vegetable gardens last season? Both Carol and 2.0 Phil mentioned it and I thought Todd lived and worked on a farm, so why did he only know about how to milk cows? It should not be that hard to plant and cultivate vegetables and some of the houses nearby might have fruit trees and

HAAAAAAAAA!!!! Yes and he would smell of bacon in his gas and breath and clothes. How did they miss it??!!!?

The solar panels on the house kept the electricity going, so they had lighting as well as a working freezer. I had thought it was part of the same house, though, not a nearby house.

HA! foot joke. But I wonder about how come both Peridot and Pearl get wavy-line-eyes every time they use that machinery in that pod, but not Steven — in Joy Ride, Steven operated the pod with his hands but his eyes remained normal.