Dana Rose

Bravo! good analyzing

except one where he spoke to the camera/little boy viewer who asked why he wanted to eat the Roadrunner and Coyote described all the parts different flavors — RR's feet tasting like a dry martini, while his feathers were banana, pistachio — I think Coyote was fooling himself.

huh or in a movie theater or drive in. or in prime time on ABC TV network, or on saturday morings. beat you on old

That's what I thought, although I think Lion is what Steven is, a combination of Pink Diamond and a lion. Who says the Diamonds have to be humanoid? We've only seen Yellow Diamond's face — not really Blue's she was wearing a hood, and white's face, not yet — Pink Diamond looks like she's dancing. Like Pearl? Maybe

I am betting that Pink Diamond being shattered at all is a ploy that Rose Quartz cooperated in to hide Pink Diamond, who is still alive — either bubbled or as her son, Lion, like Steven is Rose's son

I predict Amethyst and Peridot will fuse and tackle Jasper and win. But I think Amethyst will be Peridot's first fusion

Here is my thought: Amethyst needs training, like Pearl gave Steven and Connie. Slide-ducking between the monster's legs is classic Pearl-manuever, and exactly right. Amethyst fights by instinct, not thinking about it. But Jasper outweighs and out-strengths her. Think about how Muhammed Ali beat the stronger George

I have a theory that Lion is the "son" of Pink Diamond and a lion. Maybe Pink Diamond transformed herself into a lion form to "mate, conceive, then give birth" — so Rose already knew that she would have to give up her physical form, because it already occurred — and Pink Diamond needed to hide or change so the other

Thanks for the respectful, great review, that shows up the episode's good points. I find annoying the type of people who have no liking for this episode. I looked forward to it ever since hearing of it and enjoyed it thoroughly. And that was the day I ducked being video-interviewed by my campus newspaper for the

I think the Crewniverse made a big error with how they have rushed things; for once thing, considering the great difference in how Greg looks as a young rocker, with how he appeared in "Lion 3 Straight to Video" —with a marked-out beard area, like present-day Greg, as opposed to a smoother look as young rocker Greg, I

Also, recall that Greg had a storage unit full of furnishings for a house or apartment — couch, tables, big TV. Either his parents died and he's been storing their furnishings, ever since, or he briefly had an apartment while raising Steven. Then there is the uncle and aunt with a farm, and another(?) uncle with a

Blazing Saddles ref. caught it.

The one-eyed one? I caught that, but wondered if she might end up coming back, and asking to fuse with Garnet or Lapis or Peridot. Or Steven? Which Gem will Steven fuse with first? I had thought Peridot.

OH! YOU got it! From that earlier episode where Steven said that to her! I had not recalled that! Funny!

But a few interesting things: (1.) Lapis knew what flirting was (Steven: "what are they doing?" Lapis: "They're flirting"). So how does a Gem from a world where gems reproduce asexually know what flirting is? My guess is that Garnet used to look at herself in the mirror (when Lapis was attached to the mirror)sometimes

haha, there is one more Steven episode left! Steven Floats, which shows another facet of his powers. While not quite a sequel to these Bomb episodes, it shows him and the gems returning to Beach City — I won't spoil it, but some sites had all these episodes up early.

I thought the animation of Lapis face reminded me of Schoolhouse Rock episodes, likewise that grin on Peridot's face. OK, Peridot is one of my favorites. Those Peri-lovers were right! But I wonder if the Crewniverse was influenced by the fan love? Meanwhile, I wonder why the Ruby has a gem for an eye? Is it her usual

That is a good deduction, Lemeres!

Oh, yeah. I think it's obvious that the title "Same Old World" was a deliberate reference to "A Whole New World" and maybe some fan can make up lyrics… hmmm.

They are great and we get to see some early Simon, too.