Dana Rose

Who were the voices for Ruby and Sapphire? Because Sapphire sounded like Estelle.

hmm. Recall the Regular Show episode where Mordechai toured around the park with someone and said, "here's the AV Club…."

BTW, when Garnet re-formed near the end, it looked like she was wearing her old black and red costume, in the initial re-forming shot — then by the time they returned to the temple, she was back with her blue and red outfit. OK finally got Demand going again and see that Garnet was in her blue and red not the red and

and I still think Sapphire may not have feet. Maybe legs, or maybe something odd under that skirt. She floats, and in her first ep, she flew fast, dragging Steven along.

Maybe we will find out later this week as to who is what Diamond— I wonder about what was shown at Comic Con — Steven, Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet looking at some TV-type screen or what, with Jasper, Lapis, Peridot and —-Yellow Diamond(???) standing as though for a portrait or a passport-type shot. It looked like a

yeah because it was an entire finger or fingertip. I would like to see a schematic of that ship. while watching the episode it was harder to pay more attention to the layout of that ship, or that they were running through its fingers. BTW, what about that giant sky eye from episode one? That looked like a ship, too.

yeah, that was how it sounded like to me!

Me too, I was thrilled with its perfection, he could have won on Masterchef with that perfect sandwich

I thought Amethyst looked very sexy in those poses, so perhaps Vidalia had a thing for her. It also is not clear that Sour Cream was conceived from only one date with Marty — he could have returned to see her again. That is if we are trying to date when Greg grew older looking. I think it looks like he aged 15 years

yeah and the fisherman is named after a fish: A yellowtail may be any of several different species of fish. Most commonly the Yellowtail amberjack Seriola lalandi is meant. In the context of sushi, yellowtail usually refers to the Japanese amberjack, Seriola quinqueradiata. from wikipedia

I had thought Vidalia and YellowTail were having sex with the initial sounds and words she was saying!

Unless YellowTail is not really his father. Onion could still be some sort of alien — not necessarily a Gem but another type of alien. Onion does not eat —. also, maybe that wasn't him in the birth video, maybe he got switched with the real baby of Vidalia?

I was glad for him, that he seems to have enough money to pay for all their disasters; but it seems that the Gems ought to be able to generate money in some way, since they can't escape paying taxes; also Pearl paid for those Cookie Cats in the first ep. They had to have money to construct the house in the first place


I am glad that Greg could afford to not only pay for breakfast for all, but also a motel, and to pay for the damage to the restaurant and to buy — TUNNEL BRUSHES??? I looked that up — a tunnel brush is a round hairbrush, though from the size of them, they seemed to be brushes used in his car wash tunnel (yet that is

Yeah, I just looked that up, Pennsylvania (The Keystone state, because it was one of the original 13 colonies and between Georgia, Delaware and New Jersey, Maryland and West Virginia and is set in the middle) and people have mentioned Delaware as their state.
Denny's is likely the diner, since Denny's are ubiquitous

good, made in America; animators who live and train in America need jobs. I would love to be an animator.

Clarence is hilarious; and I just noticed, in the episode where Clarence, Jeff and Sumo are home alone, that his stepdad, Chad use to be in the Navy — Clarence's vision of Chad, sprung from a photo of him, all spiffy and official and crisp, compared to him scruffy and jobless — there are these layers of things.

hmmm Pearl eating Steven reminded me of Say Uncle where Bellybag ate Steven and Uncle Grandpa and Tiger, placing back in the Steven Universe dimension — and Pearl eating Steven placed him in another dimension, too where he contacts Lapis' mind

No, Ruby said, "Quiet! I can't see!"