Dana Rose

Yes, and also, Ice King could lend her the crown so she could rebuild the Ice Kingdom after Flame Princess melted it. I also think that the Ice Beast we saw in the last episode in the future seen by Cubert is — GUNTHER! wearing the crown! It makes sense — the original Gunther wanted to be like Evergreen, so that is

He WAS the same one, if you can look at the episodes back to back or see screen captures. so that was where Magus/Magi of Life brought the book to life.

The ending of the finale was worth watching, I won't spoil for those who did not see yet. But the tag end, WOW, that poor fellow.

I am hoping for a review soon so I can post about the show tonight. Wow to the ending. I expected something similar to that, but not the tag end.

I see this series as a metaphor for our regular life on earth. I can relate to so much. Not having my own first name the most popular girl in school had the same first name as I — and I ought to have chosen a cute nickname, which is what Phil/Tandy should have done . He could have chosen his dream name. But as we find

I don't think it will be a terrible finale, but I predict that indeed, New Phil WILL end up dead or in a coma (after all the actor is listed as a guest star), and we will see how the women respond to that — such as putting Phil and Todd on trial. Maybe the next person to show up will be a hanging judge or a cop.

thanks I knew I saw her before but could not recall where!

I predict we will see an origin ep of Ruby and Sapphire and hope it is a 2 parter.

I did it twice with different answers — I got Spilt Milk and Weeping Eggcup —altered my responses a bit

there is the other issue of women's bodies not cooperating in procreation due to stress, etc and the hidden awareness that raising children in this sort of society is not optimum. What about medical needs? what if they need a C-section?

and people can just drive through Canada to Europe, no airplanes, no ships needed. Radio is still not used YET in this series that is what I would do to contact others. Cars have radios, police cars have two-way radios and big stations have transmitters.

hmm yeah. and I bet sea animals are immune to this disease and they could eat fish — but it is too dangerous to sail any boat into deep sea unless you know to operate sea craft — you would not want to get stuck with no fresh drinking water.

ha. and how did he paint on all those billboards in the first place without knowing there was an access ladder in the back of each one? He always was at risk doing it then.

True, that is what I would be about if I was one of the last people — also learning how to make glasses for myself because I don't want to be like Burgess Meredith in the Twilight Zone episode "Time Enough at Last" — but in a way this is a metaphor for how useless many people would be in such a situation — living off

Did you see that Ronaldo grabbed a piece of that hand spaceship and was dragging it home for his collection? After this next one about Steven and Connie, maybe we will see what is next

Observation: Ronaldo took a piece of the hand spaceship home with him: we see him dragging something off the beach, maybe a part of a "finger". (and I think the red "eye" in the first episode was ALSO a spaceship!); After all the angst of protecting humans for their own good, and all the battle, it was nice seeing Mr.

yeah that bit where he grabbed the star with his hand like Space Dandy opening which was probably taken from some other reference

I always figured that Rose is alive and conscious within the gem and one day, Steven will meet her — because he will be damaged and like Pearl and Ruby and Sapphire regenerate within the gem. I bet Rose will reemerge first, then resolve her relationship with the other gems and Greg, then damage herself so she goes

Yeah, but let's recall the pic we saw of the Gems back at least in the 1800s, in the one about Steven's birthday "So Many Birthdays" the Gems looked like they do today; and Greg looked about 20-21 years old, and today looks about 40. His hot dog eating pic with Rose looks only about 12 years ago, so I estimate his

I get t hear part of the songs because of On Demand. It's the stupid way CN won't let us hear the credit music. Teen Titans end music is the same used during the epic contest in the laundry episode.