Dana Rose

Ronaldo dragged away a piece of the hand-ship at the end. So he will have a piece of the Gem Technology. BTW, the first show Gem Glow featured a pink/red eye — I bet that was also a ship, not a gem-monster, and the Gems did not want to say. All the ships look like body parts —- Hooray Uncle Grandpa ep is tomorrow

I thought it was reference to Neil Sedaka's Laughter in the Rain.

I loved Sym Bionic Titan. So mad they did not make more Let's demand more!

Here is a thought — Steven did not have to be afraid of Garnet punching him because he could have erected his shield — but we really believe he is going to be killed by his beloved family because we do not recall this — and even if Steven didn't recall it, the shield would have manifested automatically, as did when he

OK, my thoughts — Uncle Grandpa being the next episode, maybe Steven being ungrounded from TV is how this works — maybe Steven manifests UG from the TV show? We saw him do something to the TV in Greg's storage unit — when he shouts at Amethyst and Greg to STOP the VCR shuts off — I think Steven has some extra powers

I do and still enjoy it, even the doubled epi of Family Guy with the Simpsons

insect eyes?? Is that where her eyes are aglow? It is not her eyes going into multiples with facets, like a mosquito's her eyes are glowing

yeah, he does own his business, and at some time, ether owned a home or rented because of the furniture and TV set in the storage unit (including a queen or king sized bed and sofa and refrigerator); and there was that red herring in Maximum Capacity where he asked "The deed to my Uncle's mansion?" of Amethyst. I do

I want the Uncle Grandpa one NOW!!!!! They would build up to it…… Maybe summer time

Really???? Joel?? I thought he retired! O the Joy! But he was dryly funny on MST 3000.

I thought that photo of them together was a wedding photo, but then Greg seemed to have had his mouth full of hot dogs. And she had her eyes closed. What is up with so many of her pics like that? Until they finally showed her with eyes open, I had thought maybe she had no eyes or they were starry looking, like that

meaning, that maybe some of the enemy Gems might battle. thinking video arcade games are real — or that they might be drawn into playing them, hypnotically, distracted, like Garnet wanting to complete levels, her ability helping her to win, but keeping her battling the video game instead of the real enemy

yay Hungryfreak. Although, yeah, Garnet was entranced by that video game, I do not think her vision was thwarted so much as she was drawn into that game — the same happened to me when I bought my first and only video game set — Coleco's Donkey Kong and Mousetrap (and Star Wars the home game). I played all day long

yeah. Where does Steven get money to buy fry bits? Does his dad earn it all? Do the Gems pay taxes on their property? They must have gold or something to pay for various things — they paid for the Cookie Cats.

Likely he can get away with being "home schooled" even though that would require certification or something — and besides as we saw in the rerun ep, he is not getting home schooling… I think he needs schooling. He must have had some. How else did he know how to read? Do math? There are some things he does need to

Thrilled we have our thread back on an official post. Looking forward to tonight's ep. When I posted on AT, thinking I was the first, I got suspicious, came looking and here it is. Do not delete this post, please (don't know why my last post mentioning this was removed).

My theory and prediction is that Rose literally lives inside the gem, and one day Steven will be injured and retreat into his gem, then he will meet Rose. Then maybe Rose will emerge again — while Steven stays inside the gem. But she will sacrifice herself, let herself be injured so she retreats and then lets Steven

yeah. Not countng Amethyst's wrestler-version of herself, Purple Puma.

Hooray and I am left embarrassed by trying to start a thread you-know-where. Should have checked here first, but glad we have our own thread back.

Maybe it could be all origins of all these characters?