Dana Rose

I missed it too, and only saw it tonight, when I was going through my On Demand. I had missed this and the previous episode. Wow.

I bet Connie's parents make her be vegan. She cannot stand up to them, so revels in freedom and power with Steven. Gives a dimension on her fusing with Steven

At first I was so irritated by him — after all, once he ruins the water, where will he get more?? Or is he relying on drinking water or liquids that he can get at the stores? You ruin your well or fountain, and that is it. That liquid you can get at the stores won't last. The human body needs plenty of drinking water.

Maybe the artifacts of the storage unit are all about his life with Rose? (that and his youth, with all those magazines) He might've experienced some upheaval (thrown out of where he lived before) which necessitated shoving stuff into a unit quickly, no time to sort nor pack neatly, just use it as his closet. He lived

Also, there is some sadness to having most of your belongings in a storage unit. Greg has a bed there, living room furniture, TV set — he had a home at one time, now cannot afford one, so keeps his once-home intact in storage (since Rose disappeared, maybe they lived together in an apartment, or not — he had his van

I meant that maybe at one time, Amethyst shape shifted into a cat to get close to Greg once.

OBSERVATIONS: watched it on anime a few more times. The part where Steven said: "when did you ever have a cat?" throwing down a cat carrier — but then Amethyst takes off after that. Maybe she transformed her self into a cat and fooled him; also when Steven interrupts their fight — the TV/VCR turns off — looked like

That is interesting, Waflicious, Amethyst wanting to be Greg and Rose's child, maybe so. But on the other hand, Amethyst and Greg have s much in common personality-wise it would've seemed they would have made the perfect couple. But she said that she, Steven and Greg had watched that TV show together; so maybe that

No they never completed that episode, where Terra got put back in the garbage dimension and Beast Boy jumped down to join her. Thought they might complete that, this Valentine's Day, but no.

I thought that Pres-Tant, the villain's voice sounded like Billy West's version of Richard Nixon's head of Futurama.

Yes, that camera wasn't invented until 1840, also Skips from the earlier episode was definitely dressed for the late 1700s, and he looked younger and smaller-bodied, like he was about 14-15. He is shown sharing those pizza pockets with Gareth and te Babies, too, while it appeared that they met in this episode. My

I do too, CJ is right for him; but i reminds me of men I was friends with becase we were compatible but they wanted women that made them nervous and afraid —that is how they defined being "in love."

OK, what about how Tree Trunks mentioned how the shape-shifter had brushed against her elbow and against the stomach of Colonel Candycorn? What did that do? Was it picking up their DNA for use in other babies? Does Jake have some of their DNA? Or does someone else?

yeah I am angry they killed off Root Beer G. Why? Because he was competent and intelligent?

Yes, and I have long wanted a translation of the Korean that Lady says in each of her episodes.

Thank you for explaining the sex dream. I could not figure it all out. First time I saw this ep, I thought Finn's arms had been burned off, then when I saw it later, I saw the adult-body-hair, but still did not fully get it. Really, Finn could not be with FP, and interesting about Cinnamon Bun perhaps being a

Interesting notes on the recent episode “Bad Timing,” where
Jake shows admiration for Ice King/Simon in creating a time machine to get his
fiancée back; numbers of people know about this, and might likewise have
sympathy and admiration for Ice King –or perhaps might want to access his
know-how for their own uses. One

I had some ideas and predictions about what will happen in the
coming seasons; I think Betty will have one or two episodes of success in her
attempts to separate Simon from the crown; however, I think the reason that
Simon loses his own id, as I.K. is because the crown is a symbiote, who needs
to attach to another being