
But this show does have some edge. I really liked this particular episode because Jessica brings up about the lack of asian actors and unless if you're a comedian, you will get noticed. This is making fun of negative stereotypes about how majority of asians are perceived in Hollywood. Bruce Lee was probably the

You were comparing another show that you think is better though, so doesn't seem like you're into this show, that's all I'm saying. Like I said, this is satire to make you laugh, if there isn't enough entertainment for you, I wouldn't bother watching it then. A lot of people find this show pretty humorous and

The show is centered around an asian family's perspective done in a satirical way and if that's not funny enough, well then, I guess it's not the right show for you then.

There is truth to the jokes because they're making fun of sports, children's plays, and the mom bringing up about the lack of asians on tv. There was even a brief cameo of All American Girl show at the end making fun of the brief and yet the only asian show at the time that got cancelled.

Satire isn't realistic, it's supposed to make you laugh.

I've heard about that too with Huang, although, I kind of liked the Wonder Years like narration. The Wonder Years was a charming show, Fresh off the Boat is a charming show as well, but I don't think just focusing on the parents would be enough material for a lasting show since the stories takes place in the 90's. I

I couldn't stop laughing either and Dmitri only has one line "Dmitri!" lmao.


There's different people directing/producing the episodes, but the humor is still there and that's not unusual for different filmmakers to direct/produce. I believe even Quentin Tarantino directed an episode of ER.

I thought that was a nice tribute to All American Girl, I remember watching it. Also, Jessica talking to her kids about not being able to make it as an actor because they're asian, lmao.

Not really, it's a satire, a joke like the simpsons. Also, I remember playing in the little league baseball (I know it's not basketball) growing up, we had a player that was pretty big and obviously was the star player. They're making fun of that.

Good point and that was interesting. I knew of a asian friend who immigrated here to the U.S. years ago and told me he and his classmates were beaten for not having a high score on their tests by teachers. I believe in asian countries, parents, teachers, etc still beat their kids, just to show discipline and I'm not

I know what you're saying and I agree those couple of previous episodes aren't anything groundbreaking, although there were still some sweet humor to those stories. My only complaint about this show so far is Eddie's mom. Tiger moms are not very likable in real life (they're mean). I do have to admit though,

It was an old episode, second episode - "Home Sweet Home-School"

I didn't feel the couple previous episodes were generic. I admit the jokes didn't seem as funny as some of the other episodes but I agree with Dan Sideborn comments. Since the story takes place in the 90s, some of the gay stereotypical jokes seem outdated (even though that was the attitudes towards gays at that

It's loosely based on Eddie Huang's experiences so not everything is going to be an accurate depictions of asian immigrants. The network probably wanted to reach more broader audience. There are asians who are adopted by non asian parents as well who can relate to the show growing up.

Oh man, I just noticed on wiki the ratings on the number of viewers have been going down, I hope it doesn't get cancelled.

I know what you're saying, because Jackie Chan has a natural accent in his American movies and there is more realism with immigrant families to have an accent, I just mean a lot of the depictions of asians in comedies always has to do with their race and made fun of instead of laughing with. At least Constance Wu's

I'm saying her accent reminds some people of a negative image because of stereotypical asian and non asian comedians from the past. FOB accent is still easily made fun of by non asians and since asians are a small minority in the U.S., they're an easy target. Majority of asians depicted in comedies are still one

I didn't really mind the gay humor, but I didn't laugh very much.