
Please don't judge the whole show. I can't stand racism of any kind and the two the actors who portray the parents of Eddie (Randall Park and Constance Wu) have spoken out about racism. You can read about Constance Wu's comment regarding the Great Wall movie starring Matt Damon and Ghost in the Shell movie starring

I kind of figured Ken Jeong would be in this show at some point. I don't think he's that funny and his characters tend to be stereotypical and he also overacts.

I don't like Dr. Ken, it's boring and he's not funny.

This was one of my favorite episodes. I like how they exaggerated cultural differences but found similarities. I didn't have a girlfriend growing up but if I did, I can relate to this episode. Also…keep in mind people of all races weren't as tolerant with interracial dating back then. Me and my asian friends were

Also, grandma (Lucille Soong) appears to have had a facelift, her face looks a little puffy, anyone noticed that?

Interesting episode, that was pretty funny with the puking scene.

This is starting to remind me of so much of the wonders years show with eddie and his friend's crushes storyline lmao. I loved the wonder years show, I miss it.
At lunch when Eddie asks Nicole to sit, Nicole says "I'm gonna take a half day, you know what I mean", and Trent says "yeah like a half a full day" lmao.

I thought this episode was alright, it wasn't that bad.

He's getting more mature as he gets older so it makes sense he's not as immature. I think he's still himself regardless of his idols or he's trying to act like.

I enjoyed his humor in the first season because it's unrealistic. This season is kind of unrealistic as well (because I don't think a cute girl from piccolo class would be interested in a guy that looked like Eddie, girls go for looks too). There is a joke going around that no girls are attracted to asian guys.

"What if you're scared of horses?" "Don't be scared of horses!" LMAO

Yeah i think the writers were making fun of stereotypes.

Really? I actually think the stories could be even more darker sort of like The Wonder Years (they had some really emotional episodes). Although FOB is more of a satire compared to The Wonder Years.

I think it's because Gedde Watanabe's character Long Duk Dong was so famous as a asian negative stereotype sort of like Mr. Yunioshi at Breakfast at Tiffany's…it's kind of hard to ignore that annoying character when we think of asian stereotypes.

That's why I really like this episode. Everyone knows or heard of asians are sometimes laughed at instead of of laughing with like Mr. Yunioshi from Breakfast at Tiffany's and Mr. Chow from the Hangovers movies. I really like how FOB was addressing and making fun of the usual one dimensional asian characters and I

I think the kids acting is ok, it's the direction and the script can be cliche.

To give more authenticity I've heard and Randall Park said he didn't want to be one dimensional stereotype with the accent.

I think this is my favorite episode, quite moving at times.

A-Team was awesome.

I can related to this episode. Some young punks egged our car and our house. It cost more than $300 for the car since the egg dried up. It's not fun when you're the target.