
Yes I know there is a difference, however, asian fob accent has been used to accentuate negative asian stereotypes in cheesy comedies. I'm not suggesting her character is cheesy, but some people might find it all too familiar.

Probably right about the review I guess. There were still some sweet and funny moments, I didn't think it was that bad. Seems like the writers were running out of ideas.

I don't have a problem with her acting, just the usual stereotypical accent isn't really all that funny. Her fob accent has been done in a negative stereotypical way before on other shows like Miss Swan on MadTV and she gives off a negative image like "doesn't she reminds of you so and so?" There is also a negative

There were some funny moments like when that one waitress trying to hit on Louis but he has no idea lol and Evan trying to give his chicken pox to Emory in a creepy way lol. Also some funny flashbacks with Louis and Oscar lol.

I didn't think that was weird, Eddie and Nicole storyline was inevitable and I thought it was pretty funny making fun of the awkward adolescent phase that everyone goes through.

I too find Constance's broken english accent not really flattering considering she's already not likable. I know, this wasn't really a funny episode regarding gay topics, there's been better stories on other shows, this one feels outdated somewhat. I still enjoyed this episode, there were still some humorous scenes.

I think you should give this show a chance. Not every episode is going to have all the actors all at the same time. I'm sure there will be episodes with Ray Wise and Paul Scheer has been in most of the episodes as a supporting cast member.

I know what you're getting at, but I disagree with this author, there wasn't anything inappropriate. They just acted like neighborhood friends once they bonded and probably they'll just end up like that, I really don't see the reason for them to go any further at this point. It's not like Eddie is a total stranger to

Wow seriously? lol. I guess some people don't like satirical humor lol. One could say the same thing about Bart on the Simpsons and yet that is the longest running show. I didn't find Eddie's infatuation for Nicole boring, a lot of boys go through that and I found it funny as hell. Also, let's see how this plays

And I was saying he sort of reminds me of Wayne from The Wonder Years (because they both have that don't care attitude), I know the two roles are different.

I actually find his mom even more annoying, I think she's overdoing it with her accent, which isn't really all that funny, and I'm not sure why only the mom has a noticeable asian accent and the dad doesn't.

I think people don't like the kids acting, it could be more polished, but he's young.

I don't think the criticism of Eddie and Nicole should be a big deal, everybody goes through that awkward adolescent phase. What bugs me more is Eddie's mom's accent which feels overacted compared to Eddie's dad.

I think also, just focusing on the parents wouldn't be enough of a interest to everyone, and I feel the actress who portrays the mom seems to be overdoing her accent sometimes.

Eddie's personality really isn't all that bad, a lot of kids can relate to him.

Agreed. I remember growing up seeing kids going steady and the girls looked much more mature than the boys because they were taller, which seemed awkward at first. It wasn't until high school the boys were taller than the girls and matured. I also think some people are either jealous or are not used to seeing an

I kind of disagree with this review. This show is more of a satire, it doesn't necessarily have to be realistic or have to make sense, it's just for humor (even the title is a satire). And I understand Nicole's acting was kind of wooden (although she had a small part), but I really didn't feel Eddie's attitude

I see Eddie as a comedy relief, sort of like Wayne from The Wonder Years. His character is pretty funny, and it's not that bad. A lot of asian kids growing up probably can relate to him (especially the school experiences) and the whole point of the show is Eddie's growing up experiences, this is more of a satire.

It's satire, it's made to be funny and not taken too seriously.

Same here, a lot of young people can relate to those two satirical characters, and I found it to be really sweet they both have something in common.