Shirley kept Emily from imploding and Katsuji from exploding. Perhaps her third career will be a therapist.
Shirley kept Emily from imploding and Katsuji from exploding. Perhaps her third career will be a therapist.
Re: point #2. Shirley doesn't strike me as the kind of person who gets bullied into anything. She handled that as well as a person could locked in a competition that millions were watching. She was straight up with Brooke the day before and gave up the belly only when she was satisfied with her ingredients. I'm…
My comment on that parfait was that it looked like what someone might make their first day on the job at Dairy Queen.
This is true. After the Carla finale, Casey said she was done w/TC.
Re: Point #4. Wife and I agree that the season was bad. Maybe it was so bad that it forced the editors to piece it together so awkwardly.
There's no inappropriate time to say, "Fuck you, Richard Blais!" . . . . so "Fuck you, Richard Blais!"
I think Brooke came off looking worse and worse as the season progressed but I don't know how much of that is her and how much of that is the editing. I remember an interview with Casey Thompson years ago where she stated how unhappy she was with the her portrayal due to editing.
That was a weird finale: Clunky editing to play up the rivalry/tension between Brooke and Shirley. Padma with another racy comment! ("Haven't you heard, size doesn't matter!" ) Shirley choosing Casey first - has she not seen the finale with Casey caddying for Carla?! Shirley having the kosher chef butcher the…
They're going old school and trotting out Speedy Gonzales.
Is she new this season? Haven't watched Arrow this year.
Padma has drawn a lot of attention to herself this season. . . for all the wrong reasons.
Leave it to Richard Blaise to make Katsuji the runner-up as, "Biggest Asshole of the episode."
Fuck you, Richard Blaise.
One of the greatest moments of Bevis and Butthead was when the two were spoofing STTNG and Butthead said, "Number One, I order you to take a number two!"
Barry can outrun lasers and bullets, but not a dart out of a blow gun.
Shirley's weakness is that her food is not pretty. Plating is not one of her strong suits.
A agree with many of the comments about Brooke . . . she looks exhausted and somewhat disinterested. She needs a stiff drink and about 18 straight hours of sleep.
Padma's not a chef. I'm reading her memoir right now and she herself says she's an accomplished home cook but certainly not a chef.