
Because OZ had such a HUGE cast, an entertaining game is to name the actors who appeared in it as well as another show (i.e. The Wire, Dexter, etc).

HBO ran a few episodes recently. It's a little over-the-top after all these years - particularly the whiny brass section musical cues that punctuate a scene.

Schillinger and the Yellow M&M. Dude's got range, that's for sure. And that's not even including Juno's sympathetic dad.

Been traveling for the better part of the last month and a half so very late to view the final two episodes of the season. So a belated, "WTF?!!!" I would have loved to been a fly on the wall during the first reading by the actors - especially the guy who voices Berry - to see their reactions to the dark turn this

Are you a sociopath with a gang-leader uncle?

Yes. Gale is the guy who put together the superlab. He is the one who told Gus that he couldn't approach the purity of Heisenberg's blue meth.

Spoiler alert. Howard eventually quits law and becomes a co-founder of FarmersOnly.com

You're welcome? Sorry? Not sure which response is appropriate.

His accent was spot on when he played a mute Mexican.

or Howard Sr. and Charles McGill start a Law Firm.

Tyrus before he got off the gluten.

Yeah, Lydia earned that death. She went out with a whimper done in by her own persnickety ways.

Howard reminds me of Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall) in The Godfather. He had an important title, gave sound advice and no one listened to him.

Stop with the hipster reference. These are grown men in 2001. American Whiskey was not part of the conversation.

Dark. Very dark.

Absolutely true and shows where her priorities are - to pawn off Chuck on someone else.

All references from The Wire are appreciated. Quotes are automatically up-voted.

Wife and I are both hating on Mike's daughter-in-law. She's manipulative and takes Mike's generosity for granted.

Rebecca just realized the music has ended and she'd the one holding the hot potato.