Agreed he's been very good.
Agreed he's been very good.
Something Dr. Light/Linda Park ver.2.0 never considered . . .
Left Shark has been lifting since the Super Bowl . . .
"Get Diggle a helmet . . . that along with his personal handgun should be good enough." -Team Arrow
Anti-Climax? I think Harry got over that issue in the last episode.
I agree with your assessment. I am also hopeful this season lays down the foundation for an elevated show for season two. It seems to be the raw ingredients are there for a good show.
To be fair, he's only taking out bad guys from Alternative Earth . . . something a good lawyer can use to keep him outta' prison.
David Constabile, anyone? "It's IS terrible, DOUG!" Breaking Bad karaoke. The Wire. T-mobile commercials . . . http://www.huffingtonpost.c…
For a time it seemed every other commercial used a Moby song.
. . . former model, "Thank you."
Many years ago I met a woman who could quote lines from "The Jerk." I married her.
Paul Simon wrote a song about that
Meeting an old friend for lunch?
It was the guy who coveted Jessie's Girl
Frank's death march and imagined conversations seemed like a cribbing of the mirror scene from "25th Hour."
Reminds me of the Flight of the Conchords episode where Jemaine sings, "Brett You Got it Going On"
Yes, but he wasn't good enough to see that he might have been vulnerable to the Mexicans or maybe the guys in the bakery. He was good when he got brutish (busting up the club owner and pulling out his teeth, capping Blake and knocking off the Russians). He was dog paddling in the deep end of the pool when it came…
Man, Paul would have loved the shoot 'em up opportunities in this episode. RIP CHPs officer.
Everyone was just acting so hard . . . like Jon Lovitz' old SNL character.