“I am so sorry, I didn’t get it. Don’t send him to camp, protect that child! Lock him away! I judge you for letting me near him, you don’t know me! Who am I? Some groundskeeper you met off the street!”
I was on the floor laughing. Great scene!
“I am so sorry, I didn’t get it. Don’t send him to camp, protect that child! Lock him away! I judge you for letting me near him, you don’t know me! Who am I? Some groundskeeper you met off the street!”
I was on the floor laughing. Great scene!
At least the kid who wanted to make a better chicken sandwich stuck to Kickstarter and received actual money. This is pitiful.
Mission: Impossible is real!
I watched it all the time because —well, it was on TV. The syndicated ones are wretched. Dorothy Lyman was apparently told to act like a 13-year-old child. She should have stayed with All My Children.
Yeah. Mama was a total abusive bitch in those sketches. It's heartbreaking and also hilarious when Eunice tries to take the family to a fancy restaurant, and Mama keeps embarrassing her and bragging about stealing toilet paper from the bathroom. Mama's Family turned the character into a fun but put-upon matriarch with…
Thanks a lot.
Same here. Every time I don't want to count but should.
Bless her heart! I feel that pain. I still remember my teacher playing that on a record of sea shanties during naptime in kindergarten. Also, "Blow the Man Down." That was 40 effin years ago!
Come and get your love. (Come and get your love, come and get your love, now.)
I wake up with this in my head often.
Dylan was there working as a server with the other underclassmen. The rest of that issue didn't make a whole lot of sense. Aren't proms these days usually held at off-campus venues, with couples going out to dinner first and arriving in limos? Don't people without dates usually sit it out unless they have a big group…
It doesn't stay on the menu all year, but the BojAngler at Bojangle's is a good one.
I always heard it was the Borgia one. (Alexander something) But then I read that they were all pretty bad back then and the historians just picked on the Borgias because they hated them.
And the story is about the way death is heartbreaking but treated so casually when a hardscrabble life is going on around you. In the end, the narrator and her mother could have bonded over their losses but end up disappearing into their own worlds. All the talk about hidden clues and secret meanings distracts from…
Coven was f-ed up. Norman Greenbaum or Ocean should have reached out to them.
Check out his rendition of "Me and Bobby McGee." It's on YouTube.
Great stuff.
Billy, Don't Be a Hero, The Night Chicago Died and Angie Baby are three of the worst 70's songs ever. I really enjoy the others, though. Go figure! Edit: I've never listened to Timothy all the way through. So, not that one.
Same reaction. It was like a fan convention.
David Thewlis is going to give me nightmares. Seriously, wouldn't your instinct be to kill him and run?
He seems all jealousy to me. He wants to be the only one with Emmit's trust. I really enjoyed Ray not taking his henchman shtick seriously.