
What if Hef went on to live until he was 120 like the French woman who outlived the guy who paid her for her apartment thinking she would pass away any day?

I heard it's the same one. Bumblebee Tuna is another one of his family's holdings.

You win the Internet

From now on, when someone asks me a question with an obvious answer, I think I'm going to respond with "Do penguins have knees?"

Seriously. My search history right now is mainly variations on "how to retire in Mexico" and "how to find a job in Canada"

Oh. OK, then.

Why did he not marry his long-term partner and mother of his children? Weird.

I've always loved gospel music and have started seeking it out more lately. Thanks for this list!

I can't lie. I loved to hate the Vancome Lady.

Cor Blimey! That was hilarious. One of the commenters actually used the term "streets ahead."

I have a bit of an obsession with the life and career of the late Kenneth Williams. (Thanks, YouTube!) Can't imagine this will do well without him.

No. Just obsessed with wacky ex-jock beer ads.

This AND "Tastes Great; Less Filling?" This guy invented my childhood.

I was so excited about seeing Boogie Nights because of the historical 70s porn-culture aesthetic, but the characters were so uninteresting to me. Couldn't have cared less what happened.

Brad Garrett?

What in the world is a 'rocking chair?'"

Hair Bear

A View to a Pill

That might have been the most disturbing MST3K I ever watched.

Chicago was such a spectacle on the big screen. Everyone in the theater cheered for the big performances. Watching it at home really took the air out of that one.