I remember laughing at it as a teen because it was so "naughty," but Lord it does not hold up. And I've started enjoying the "Carry On" movies.
I remember laughing at it as a teen because it was so "naughty," but Lord it does not hold up. And I've started enjoying the "Carry On" movies.
I could listen to the Every Which Way But Loose episode every day. WHM is my "gateway" podcast and still my favorite.
What happened to turbans for rich ladies?
I enjoyed Monsters vs. Aliens in 3-D. Real old-time style with updated technology.
A remake of Keeping Up Appearances?
Great point!
Only Dudley Moore could / should play Arthur. I know playing drunk isn't that funny anymore, but it worked!
Check out Matthew Broderick's version in the TV movie. He really makes you believe he'd fit in in a small town and charm all the hateful Iowans.
Nyssa was the best Dr. Who sidekick.
Wasn't she like the fourth or fifth choice for the role? Sometimes, it's meant to be.
Margaret Rutherford for me.
Christopher Reeve as Superman and Jackie Cooper as Perry White.
It's getting to the point where I think Dean has either suffered a stroke or is a complete moron who moved home because he literally cannot take care of himself. I loved Stewart in this episode because he has some epiphanies. With Dean, it's either all or nothing. It's like he's learning how the world works at age…
Axl really hit it out of the park. Great and somewhat surprising insight. Also, it's a kind of revenge having to take care of his drunk/hungover parents.
Yeah. That was a big error. Sorry
Made me think of Maria Bamford's bit that runs through my head often: She tells her mother that someone had a baby and her mother says "That is good news. Not very good for the 200 million children in foster care, but I guess they wanted a fresh one."
We are out of sweet rolls, Morgan.
Yes. Can't Ben stay home and cash the checks?
I was hoping for a sort-of over-the-top version of Mary Kay-type millionaire stories.
Loved the jocks trying to play D&D. I was/am on the nerd scale, but holy crap, D&D sounded boring. I would have tried to turn it into a comedy fest, too.