
"He's not supposed to go back to school, but he does go back to school!"

There's also the theory that kids would be healthier and less allergic to everything if their parents let them eat dirt. Maybe that's where this fad comes from.

I can't warm up to it, either. All the characters are pretty much awful.

What about the funny one in the Zaxby's commercials?


Three Musketeers and Cool Runnings.

I would rather see a movie about someone's personal journey of doubt and faith than any of these propaganda films. Doubt is a part of the life of a faithful person.

Wow. That is one Village People-esque image.

I remember seeing Siskel and Ebert's scathing reviews and vowing to never watch it. I I never did! Yay me!

What about Tim Conway?

I can't watch this movie all the way through, but it's interesting the reactions it gets over the generations. A young Catholic woman I once worked with said she laughed through the whole thing. Another, agnostic woman about 35 years older than that told me she thought it was "offensive to everybody, including the

Mine, too. Also, Hard Candy Christmas.

I noticed that, too. Part of it had to be a make-up issue.

Barry didn't work my nerves as much as other he has on other episodes. I empathize, because I remember being sure I was going to build my own KITT car and make millions even though the reality was there was no way in hell I could do that.

Clint. He's a national treasure.

We read the book in seventh grade English, and then we won free tickets to the movie when one of our classmates placed third in a costume design competition the studio sponsored. I remember not enjoying it. That is all.

I think only recently has science determined that children have feelings. That's the only way to explain some teachers' behaviors.

It's hard to remember a lot about kindergarten, but what I do remember is we had a psycho teacher who would take the cheese off our cheeseburgers at lunch and, if we had coleslaw and didn't eat it, she would come around and force-feed it to us. What the actual fuck? She had a pretty common name, so I haven't been able

Fair enough

My kid is a huge Parks and Rec fan and is absolutely appalled whenever her most hated character Dennis Feinstein appears on anything. She doesn't understand how I can listen to "How Did This Get Made?"